Monday, March 30, 2009

the space between dreaming and waking

Sometimes, waking up from dreams and suddenly jumping into one can be very dynamic experiences.
I used to lull myself to sleep by meditating until I could feel my bed spinning, my body pushing against my mattress, dragging it along the floor without really moving at all. I would normally spin laterally, like a disc of pizza dough being tossed, but sometimes would see how dynamic I could make it, spinning as if I were tipping with my head or feet going toward the floor, such that I might slide off my bed onto the ground. Inevitably, this would segue directly into me flying across some landscape, or falling off my bed in a dream, and going on to explore the similar but suddenly different world. The relationship between was pretty cool, and I miss the spinning.
I also had experiences of pain or strange sensations or visual images carrying over out of my dream. Once, in the dream, I shocked myself by touching two wires together, and woke up mid-air nearly flying off my bed, my arm aching from where I had seemingly shocked myself with my other fingertip. Another time, I was being held down my some monster in a parking lot that was accusing me of being phony, and as it released the pressure on my chest, I watched as its hand turned into the sheet hanging off the edge of my upper bunk.

I would love to try reflecting these shifts through music. Something normal or recognizable intentionally changing itself into something unusual or impossible, or finding a strange sense of order out of something that was soup a second ago. thinking...

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